Includes access to five kingdom courses
Begin the Journey to Refinement
Begin the Journey to Refinement
Membership FAQ's
1. How long can I be a member of this tier?
We would love to have you forever. At the same time, we know that the only thing that will last forever is His Kingdom. With that being said, you can be a member for as long as you like. All tiers of Glory School Community memberships can be cancelled at any time. All we ask is that you provide us with feedback in a timely fashion in order to attempt to rectify an issue (see your terms for more info). This way, even if you cancel your membership, we will consider your feedback to improve the memberships we offer.
2. Will my personal information be private and secure?
One of the reasons God led us away from social media groups is to play a more active role in the security and privacy of our group members' data. This platform is secure and safe. Additionally, we will never provide our members’ information to anyone without their express permission. We will not sell or grant access to your information to anyone or to any organization. The full privacy and cookie policy is available when you join our free community.
3. What if I have additional questions or concerns about membership?
When you join our free community, you are given access to the full term of services. It is extremely thorough. Most, if not all, your questions will be answered there. If not, you'll see how to reach out to us to ask any additional questions or address any other concerns. We are very approachable leaders.
4. Will I required to take all the courses in a membership tier at one time?
No, you will not be required to take all the courses at one time. When you sign up for a membership tier, you will be enrolled in all the classes in the tier. At the same time, the content in each course will be available based on a set time frame in order to keep the content digestible. Some membership courses are two weeks, some are six weeks, and some are eight weeks, Therefore, you can work at your own pace through the tier courses.
5. Will new courses be added to the tier?
At the time of publishing this membership tier, there are a total of 33 live courses and three courses in development. When new courses are developed, they will be added to the various tiers.
6. How will the membership funds be used?
First, we want you to know that we value and appreciate your hard-earned money. In a time of gross financial mismanagement and situational ethics, it is important for you to know how your membership subscription will be used. THE HOUSE OF PRAYER - AN ARRMED DIAMEN (THOPAAD) is a non profit organization, and we creatively raise money to fund the mission of covering the earth with God's glory. The needs to fulfill this mission are great, and every penny is used to execute it. As you grow spiritually, we grow financially. This is the apostolic model of 2 Corinthians 9. As you eat spiritually, you allow us to feed those who are naturally hungry and thirsty. Thank you! If you want more specifics on how funds are used, go here and click on Partner With Us.
7. What else can you think of?
While we aim to be extremely thorough, there is always something someone else can think of asking that we didn't. If you think of something after reading this and the terms of service, let us know. We will add it here. Thank you!
Includes access to five kingdom courses
Begin the Journey to Refinement