Glory & Wealth are inseparable

Million-Dollar Spirit Program (Pt. I)

Wealth and glory go hand in hand. In this program, you will learn about the strategy God will use to bring you into wealth.
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

Let us ask you these two questions. Have you received a prophetic word or has God told you directly that you are a millionaire? Deep down inside, do you know that you are wealthy, but don't have a clue how to draw this wealth out ? Are you weary with sowing, sowing, and sowing more money and seeing little to no results? If yes, then this course contains the heavenly strategy for you.
In this part one of the program, you receive:

  • Some of the components of the eight-component, heavenly wealth strategy

Scroll down to the course outline to see what this entails. 
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