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Synchronizing with Celestial Glory

Learn the synchronization of times and seasons from the Hebrew language
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

The Latin word for calendar is call. If you are noticing specific warfare patterns, you are being called. If you are doing all you know how to do, yet you are still not in your promise land, He is calling you into the movement of celestial glory via the Hebrew calendar. If you feel like quitting the same time every year or so, you most definitely need to answer the call to synchronize with the Hebrew calendar. If you have experienced a level of deliverance and healing and desire to lay hold of every facet of His glorious salvation plan, this course is for you.
In this course, you will learn:

  • How to track the Biblical clues into synchronization with celestial glory
  • The importance of getting in sync with God’s times and seasons
  • The significance of the Hebrew calendar as a salvation, sanctification, and refining tool for believers
  • The prophetic insight of your Hebrew birthdate
  • How to release the scribe within to help others discover the truth about the meanings embedded in their Hebrew birthday
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