start praying like a king today

Kids vs. Kings of Prayer

You will learn how to examine whether you exhibit king or kid-like postures in prayer.
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

There are distinctions between how a king versus a kids prays. Consequently, the results of a king and a kid differ. Many people want kingly results in prayer, but they pray like kids. This course will challenge you to start praying like a king. Are you up for the challenge? If so, you will leave this course praying like a king!
In this course, you will learn about these prophetic prayer distinctions:

  • Kings pray specific answers, and kids pray problems
  • Kings pray from the throne, and kids pray outside (i.e., from the outer courts)
  • Kings create in prayer, and kids regurgitate
  • Kings pray for hours on end with grace and ease, and kids can barely watch for one hour
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